The Message From the Head of Department

Physical education teachers are the educators who are responsible for teaching health basics, movement education, and fundamental motor skills to elementary, middle or high school students, loving movement, physically fit, patient and excellent communicator, and positively affect their students both physically and mentally. Physical education teachers have the capacity to develop the cognitive, emotional, and social aspects of students while motivating them to perform physical activities. For this purpose, they can plan various physical exercises and activities considering the needs of their students and environmental conditions. They can also coach school sports teams and perform different tasks and responsibilities at school (such as attending teacher conferences, communicating with parents, planning exercises, research-projects).

With its expert scholars, by offering pedagogy, teaching methods, and real field experiences within the scope of the current teacher training program,  our department has the required academic staff to train you as innovative, qualified physical education teachers who can meet the needs of the age. 

In our department, the Bologna process is applied successfully. The AEAEP (Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Educational Programs) process was initiated. You can benefit from student mobility programs (Erasmus, Farabi, Mevlana). The necessary infrastructure and opportunities are available for you to participate in social, cultural, and sporting activities.

We believe that you will make your dreams come true at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University where "the knowledge is perfected with care."

We welcome you to our department.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatma İlker KERKEZ
The Head of the Department